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The Viveo Employee Experience

But what exactly is the Viveo experience?

In fact, this refers to the journey of the Viveo employee from their recruitment phase to their leaving.  Even if the majority of all our employees are recruited on permanent contracts, we also receive interns and work-study students.  Employee experience is essential at Viveo: recruiting well is one thing, but ensuring good integration and a professional objective achieved for all is another!  This is why Viveo supports you, just as it has done for its clients for many years, at each stage of your existence within the structure.

For your experience to be successful, Viveo:

  1. Listens carefully to your requests and wishes during recruitment,
  2. Integrates you as well as possible with employees and customers,
  3. Responds specifically to your professional needs (quality monitoring, training, annual reviews, professional reviews, etc.) or personal (provsion of a free internal social service).

From recruitment to your successful integration  ✌️

Our simple and unique recruitment process has won you over and you are thinking of joining the Viveo spirit?  You are surely now wondering what awaits you.  In fact, you are now going to approach your immersion within the Viveo Family.  Because this integration phase is important for us, you will be supported from your first days at Viveo.  Specifically, what does that mean? You will first receive a Welcome File where your entire integration process and our operation are explained to you: schedules, assignments, customer relationships, safety handbook, misconduct handbook, contact details of the social service and so much more 🤫.

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We try to provide you with not only with all the elements to help you integrate well with the team, but we also take the time to introduce you to the employees and clients who will be by your side during the first months. Viveo has set up "The Integration  Week" during which a  buddy employee can follow you and train you on demand, according to your needs or our recommendations, to answer all your questions.  Because a well received employee is often a happy and fulfilled employee, we invite you to try the Viveo experience without further delay!

From your trial period to your 1st annual, professional review and regular follow-ups

The integration phase continues throughout the trial period.  To make these adaption weeks a success, we set up regular meetings and forums with your peers and your manager.  Reports on assignments, quality visits and training are all tools put in place to facilitate your trial period.  Our only objective: to continue our collaboration and to envisage your professional future together.

After your trial period, we stabilise your schedule and work with you on your aspirations and short and medium term goals: what will you do in 12 to 24 months?  What are the results of the months spent at Viveo, how do you want to improve certain assignments assigned to you?  A whole set of questions that we address regularly during our various one-to-ones.

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The first formal meeting will start with the annual review.  More than a shared assessment, it remains, above all, a privileged moment when recommendations and concrete actions are redefined for the continuous improvement of our respective assignments.  Each year, we teach you how to prepare for this and the resulting individual records allow us to better map our annual reviews.  Kind of like health notebooks, these cards follow your progress since you joined, including the training courses followed and the results obtained.

Equally important, the regular meetings and quality visits on-the-job gives us the opportunity to identify your strengths and ensure they are fully applied and used.  You will learn to know yourself better and also accept your limits and to work on areas for improvement.  Viveo has decided to practise "Close management" to facilitate your skills development and get you out of your comfort complete safety, of course ✌️. 

Having a good Viveo experience also means knowing how to prepare for your trip!

Even if more than 63% of our employees have 5 years of seniority, we don't presume the lifelong loyalty on the part of our employees.   We are fully aware of this at Viveo.  However, we remain convinced of one thing: "For an experience to be beautiful, it must end well".  We know that every story has an end and even more in line with your professional aspirations, moving with your partner, birth, training leave, physical or other incapacity, retirement.  The main thing is that the ending of the job is supported and successful ☝️.

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Viveo considers its employees to be its best ambassadors.  A happy and fulfilled employee, from start to finish, keeps very positive memories of their time in the company.  This is why Viveo will also do a  follow up  during your exit phase, whether you resign, become incapacitated, retire, relocate, etc.. We will take the necessary steps together with an exit interview where your word and analysis on our working together are particularly important.

At each stage of your existence, Viveo supports you and finds solutions to simplify your professional life!

So why not you?
Join us. 

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(21:00 to 06:00)
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Do you have support?
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You are looking for a solution for the babysitting of children.
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Do you want to know what financial aid you can apply for?

You're right! Let's continue…

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Are you raising your child / children on your own
Specify your resource 2023
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Good news ,
you can claim help from the CAF !

+ details in the body of your quote !

Sorry ,
you are not eligible for the PAJE benefit…

But rest assured, you still have the tax reduction or credit!

Home stretch

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Consult your emailfor a price offeradapted to your needs, finally!

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but with your permission, we maintain the interest in our structure and will not fail to inform you of a future location in your region.

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